mission & vision
EcoReview helps clients through sustainable and
circular procurement to achieve climate goals.
EcoReview helps clients through sustainable and
circular procurement to achieve climate goals.
European, national and local authorities have committed to various sustainability targets for 2030 and 2050. To go beyond the sustainability goals to achieve this, clients purchase sustainably. This is done through tendering with the Environmental Cost Indicator (MKI). In MEAT tenders, the client award discount for a reduction of the MKI score of a project. This makes the entire chain stimulated. Contractors are rewarded for a cleaner working methods and will invest in new pieces of equipment. Producers are rewarded for the production of more sustainable products and will invest in new production techniques, greener transport methods and focus on more sustainable materials.
To enable investments in the entire chain, it is It is important that clients communicate what the value of sustainability over the long term. EcoReview has developed a set of instruments to measure the value that clients to provide insight into sustainability. This allows the entire chain to make a more balanced decision in the sustainability strategy.
EcoReview is committed to a better environment and committed to achieving the climate goals. EcoReview believes in the current system whereby reduction of the environment impact in the chain is stimulated by means of government contracts. However, based on experience, EcoReview discussing whether the current system de achieves climate objectives and whether this is so efficient may happen.
The mission of EcoReview is to provide insight into the effects of sustainable procurement with regard to the objectives. Additionally, it is important to critically assess whether the current strategy is achieving these objectives as efficiently as possible (and at the lowest possible cost), or if adjustments are needed to realize them.
An integrated and connecting system to make the application of LCA & MKI in tenders simple and uniform for clients and contractors in order to achieve the sustainability goals¹ of 2030 & 2050 as efficiently as possible (at the lowest possible cost).