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EcoReview helps clients achieve climate goals through sustainable and circular procurement.


Why the ECI?

An LCA therefore determines the environmental effects of a product or process over the different life stages. This is processed in an environmental profile, and converted to the final financial value using the ECI. This financial value can be seen as the expected social value. costs to solve the long-term consequences of the environmental effects, an example of this is the need to raise dikes as a result of rising sea levels due to climate change. More and more contracting authorities have a desire to achieve sustainable and circular solutions.The ECI provides insight into the environmental impact of a product or project and makes it possible to assess providers on environmental impact in addition to price and quality.The aim is therefore to stimulate the market to sustainability, or to come up with sustainable alternatives. This not only saves the environment, but also millions in the future. When a client decides to use the ECI as an award criterion in a tender, all tenderers make an ECI calculation for their project. The tenderer with the lowest environmental impact receives a predetermined award advantage. Providers do not compete in this way not only on price and quality, but also on the environmental impact they cause with their project, because the market parties know what the largest contributors are to the environmental impact of their project and because financial incentives (award advantage) are offered for reducing of the environmental impact, they can make a well-considered choice for sustainability measures.

The Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI)

The Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI) is a means by which the outcome of an LCA, the environmental profile, is calculated into a single value. This single value is an amount in euros. The ECI makes Comparing environmental profiles of products and processes is a lot easier, because only one value is considered. This comparison is, however, less specific. For a more targeted comparison per life stage, environmental profiles can still be compared. The lower the ECI value, the less the impact on the environment.The ECI is therefore the indicator for objective, integral and unambiguous comparison of sustainability.


De ECI (Milieukostenindicator) is het resultaat van het wegen van verschillende milieueffecten tot één score volgens de NMD Bepalingsmethode. De ECI-weegmethode is gebaseerd op de schaduwprijsmethode. De schaduwprijs is het hoogst toelaatbare kostenniveau voor de overheid (preventiekosten) per eenheid emissiebeheersing.